After the board, now its Satyam's employees in talks amongst the corporate sector. Companies, started discussing about to hire Sathyam's employees with them. Thanks for the recession and hiring freeze that enable corporates to make such tall comments about employees of an ethical company, ethical background, etc.
But as an employee, other than working passionately for company, has no clue about all these board room ballgame. Its quite surprising to note that there are comments about ethical background of employees and not on independent directors / Auditors. Not much of news about independent directors and auditors are stripped out of their positions / postings. It creates a sense of insecurity amongst the workforce. Corporates should think a lot before making such comments in public.
While reading the news, I am reminded of Bharathi's lines and that's the title for this post. I am sure every Sathyamite would ask their ownself,
" சொல்லடி சிவசக்தி, எனை சுடர் மிகும் அறிவுடன் படைத்தது விட்டாய்"
Buzzing monday morning and my inbox is inviting me with newbies, got to go now, catch up with more posts sooner :)
so sad to see Narayana Murthy's statement....!!! does he really mean it... What does this poor so called geeks did in this fiasco...? will NM use the same yardstick for the clients of satyam? Request him to reconsider his decision....!!!
True Sriram, If there is no recession now, those geeks would have been sought after like hot cakes in the markets. Not an objective comment from a company like Infosys.
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