Happy mothers day !

Writing this while I look for the moon in my own (?) stake of sky! It still plays hide and seek. Opening the google for a wanderer's search, only to find google extends a flower bouquet in front of me and reminds me that mothers day is no more a private affair and one of the addition in this global market !

Mother ! A word that can move any individual !

all days are mothers day though when its celebrated and reminded of in every media, it sounds nice too! Honouring mother is not new to our culture ( no, no no its definitely not about Sonia , Jayalalitha, or melmaruvathur, etc etc).

We hail mother in the form of Goddess Shakthi during the durga pooja @ navarathri, the other festivals adore womenhood !. Yes women is the creator and protector. These two qualities come out tangibly during mother hood !

I feel motherhood is common for all, not only mothers in the sense that is being used! The creativity within deserves to be celebrated during mothers day. Lets celebrate this day to praise a novelist who brings out the charactars alive, a teacher who moulds a student for a better human being, an artist who portrays the intangibles in a tangible form, a singer who communicates divinity through sound box, a domestic servant who lessens the burden of a home maker!

Raise a toast to all creative people for their creativity in one form or the other and Happy mothers day to you all !


Viji said...

Hey Karthika, being mother sometimes looks like a thankless job! Especially,whn we look at our mothers!!

Yesterday, i didnt do anything to make my mom spl...But she did make a yummy tomato soup for me:-):-):-)!

Karthika said...

Hi, yes for an outsider, but not for the mother herself!

Yesterday's tomato soup could be a sunday special (you are compelled to be at home) than a mothers day special what do you say?